Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Brief Intermission

At the risk of disrupting narrative flow, I'd like to call attention to a pair of powerhouse retrospectives featured in the Sunday NY Times.
If you've already sat through my sentimental reminiscing, you should do yourself a favor and take it from two guys who know what they're talking about.

Further recommendations on the subject: Scorsese made a documentary a few years back called My Voyage to Italy. It's about his own personal experience with Italian film, both classic and obscure. The scope of his knowledge is borderline obsessive, and his attention to detail is well beyond that border. To hear the man talk about film, though, is absolutely riveting, and his enthusiasm is contagious.

1 comment:

a_gianou said...

Weird coincidence...I just caught My Voyage to Italy tonight on telelatino here in Toronto.
It absolutely reinforces how shitty 95% of films today are.